25 Years Experience
Murder Trial Qualified
Former Major Felony Deputy Prosecutor
Former FCADV Domestic Violence Attorney
Former S.W.A.T/Narcotics Detective
Over 600 Felony Cases Litigated
Graduate: National Criminal Defense College
Member NORML Legal Committee
Robert Scremin has been practicing law for 25 years and has litigated over 600 major felony cases including murder, child molest, domestic battery and Life w/o Parole.
Few lawyers have ever tried a murder case, much less obtained multiple 'not guilty' verdicts. Mr. Scremin has tried ten murder cases in just the last two years, in addition to aggravated battery, domestic violence, child molest, drug and gun cases. Mr. Scremin has also litigated discrimination and personal injury cases in both state and federal court.
Mr. Scremin is a former deputy prosecutor with the Indianapolis Drugs, Guns & Gangs Unit and a former deputy prosecutor with the Allen County Domestic Violence Unit. In 2017, Mr. Scremin was hired as the FCADV Injunction for Protection Attorney for the Florida Keys and spent over a year working in Key West before relocating to Fort Wayne. He is also a graduate of the coveted National Criminal Defense College at Mercer Law School and a member of the NORML Legal Committee.
Mr. Scremin began his legal career in San Francisco, and later practiced in Chicago before relocating to Indiana. He is a former S.W.A.T./Narcotics detective and has worked in the criminal justice field for over 35 years.

Robert has been licensed to practice law in Indiana, California, Illinois, Florida, and South Dakota (Yes, that is 5 separate bar exams). Robert has also taught criminal justice as an adjunct professor at Ivy Tech College and is the author of the Seizure Rights Handbook.
Robert enjoys fishing, sailing and he is an avid motorcycle enthusiast. He is also a life-long runner and has completed the San Francisco, Chicago and Indianapolis marathons as well as the Florida Keys 100 Mile Relay.